An Information Technology — Hardware Technician:
- Assembles, repairs, and upgrades microcomputer systems, components and peripherals
- Installs operating systems and application software
An Information Technology — Hardware Technician:
A Child and Youth Worker works to improve the physical, emotional, intellectual and social development of vulnerable children, youth and families. They focus on the growth and development of children and youth based on direct, day-to-day work with children and youth in their environment and develop relationships with children, their families, their communities and other inter-disciplinary team members. Specifically, a Child and Youth Worker:
An Information Technology — Network Technician:
A Child Development Practitioner (CDP) plans and implements age-appropriate service, supports and programs for children that facilitate physical, social, emotional and cognitive growth. CDPs deliver services in multiple settings, including, but not limited to, childcare centres/facilities, the preschool sections of hospitals and schools, and Ontario Early Years Centres. Specifically, a Child Development Practitioner:
A Micro Electronics Manufacturer: